I share my time between home in England and Belgium, both beautiful countries which means long walks through parkland, Forest and enjoying visiting new places. For me Photography shows us the beauty of the world we live in. I’m planing a exhibition in Belgium, 2016 where I will be including some of my art displayed at the RSA London,

plus producing photographic art printed direct onto Aluminium, I’ve done my test prints and I’m really happy with the results.


Please do contact me if you’d like to add comments, names or would like a copy of a picture.

My first web site  2010

This website was built in 2012 since then I’ve made a new website Colour and light 2015 lesleygodfrey.com

lesley’s angels

www.lesleygodfrey.com http://www.lesleygodfrey.comhttp://www.lesleygodfrey.comshapeimage_3_link_0

My 2015 web site